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Monday, February 25, 2013

Earth : Suffers !

Save Me : I'm suffering !

Save me , I'm suffering that's what will our planet says if it can express !
Since the  factories start throwing their rubbish in the rivers and Seas , since they start sending their harmful fumes out, since the abandon of bicycles and redeem them by cars , since since since ...

I'm not against those things and solutions that i said, but i'm versus of the unregulated of it.

Day by day we hear about a catastrophe in  somewhere of the earth floods, Hurricanes, Earth quakes .. after the will of God , there's the intervention of Humans, humans who are supposed to protect their planet as they do to their homes , some american statistics in 2008 exposed that 18 percent of people are alarmed, convinced of the seriousness of global warming and taking steps to alter their behavior. Another 33 percent are concerned, but not taking action. Another 19 percent of people are cautious, meaning they believe climate change is a problem but don't feel a sense of urgency about it. The disengaged (12 percent) and doubtful (11 percent), on the other hand, either don't know much about climate change or don't think it's a big problem. And 7 percent of people are dismissive, actively campaigning against a national response to climate change.
Finally i'll just write down some logical steps to avoid the earth pollution and give the earth some peace :
- Start using other energy sources, the renewed energy sources as the solar's one
- Avoid using cars , and let's use something useless as the bicycle
- The factories must be out of the cities to avoid the asphyxia
- ...

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