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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To save the Earth ?

How can we save the earth?

To save earth- 
  1. Reduce pollution by reducing air, water and land pollution.
  2. Recycle resources by sending the degradable like paper and non degradable like plastic and glass objects to recycling factory.
  3. Save resources by using them carefully. Ex. Water (H2O), Trees, Wood, Paper.
  4. Stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). So don't waste electricity.
  5. Plant lots of trees.



We can save EARTH by planting more trees, reducing pollution, and mostly, global warming. You can actually buy a saplings, or seeds and plant them next to your house. They release more oxygen and you can breathe much more better. 


You can search the web and find some organizations that you want to be a part of and join them. You can donate money to a foundation or spend some time volunteering at the local animal shelter, etc. 


Recycle and be active in nature and be a green family 
We save earth by recycling and to stop wasting paper. We can also help by stopping the uncontrolled hunting that brings the animals near extinction. We must stop killing plants as well so we have crops to eat and crops for the animals to eat, so we can have meat! We can also stop using hairspray,wasting electricity don't use that match energy. 


These are things you can do to save the planet.

  • Grow more trees

  • Recycle more things

  • Save electicity


You can save the planet earth by means of: 
  • Disposing off your trashes properly
  • Recycling
  • Planting trees and keep the environment green
  • Segregate garbages properly
  • Get yourself involved in an organization that protect the earth from man's harmful activites
  • Putting illegal logging on halt, etc.



Nowadays, the growing population causes a huge amount of wastes. Biodegradable substances can be decomposed,so fine. Now what do you think happens to the non- biodegradable substances like plastics? Did you know, A polythene cover takes 1 million years to decompose and thermocol can never ever 
decompose.So think about it.The covers you use today are tomorrow's trouble. 
Now we think the solution for this,is using paper bags instead of plastic.But this too is not the solution.We also know that paper is obtained from trees so think of how many trees are destroyed for making paper. Though many trees are being planted on one side,the tree which is gone is gone. So the ultimate solution for this is using cloth bags.This is only a tiny action to save OUR MOTHER EARTH. 



Well, first start small-like with the three Rs- reduce, reuse, and recycle. Recycle paper, plastic, and anything else your neighborhood recycling program will allow. Reuse old stuff- turn that old soup can into a handy pencil holder, or that tissue box into a box to hold screws. Reduce the amount of garbage you make- try to buy stuff with less packaging, or recycle if you can. Most importantly, don't litter. All that garbage can ruin our fresh drinking water, if given enough time. So instead of throwing that soda cup on the street, find the nearest trash can. Also, if you are a farmer or plant a garden every spring, try not to use pesticides. They can kill animals. that is part of the reason some owls are in trouble- mice eat the pesticide- infested plants, then owls eat the mice, and the owls die of poisioning. So use non-toxic pesticide instead. these are just a few ideas of how to go green and save earth. there are many more! Good luck on your quest to save earth, if you want to do that! 



dont drink bottled fluids 
pick up trash you see on the highway 
use recycled material 
We can put bird food on the ground to attract birds and make the place beautiful and healthy. 
The best way to save the earth is to change the way you live, and encourage others to do so as well. Some simply strategies include: 
* Recycle as much as you can 
*Reuse whatever you can 
*Reduce your energy usage 
*Buy locally made goods 
*Buy clothing and other household items used 
*Ideally, grow your own food 
*Turn out your lights when you don't need them, and replace light bulbs with low-energy bulbs 
*Cut down on watering your lawn -- plant native plants that don't need to be watered 
*Reduce air conditioner/heater usage 
*Cut down on driving -- carpool, walk, or bike whenever possible 
*Get active in the community! Encourage others to make these changes and start working towards a better, more sustainable world. 
* When not using electronics unplug them. 



Mother Earth can live without us, but we CAN'T live without Her! 
So, please start saving the entire clan of mankind! 
We can save Mother Earth even from simple little ways we do. 
Just by throwing our garbage properly, we had already save little by little our very own Mother Earth! 
So guys, I know you can do more. So please, I'm begging you, do your part! 



To help save the Earth you can do many things such as recycle, or reuse your water bottles which is a form of recycling. You can if you really want to help the Earth get a special car that runs on a battery that you have to charge before driving places. You can also have a carpool for work so you will use less gas. Instead of using paper towels to dry your hands use a real towel, because you can use those at least 5 times before having to wash it. Just try your hardest 



You can recycle and stop using so much electricity. 
Switch off your homes light as long as possible so that we can save the earth and you know litter is bad for the world? 
Tidy it up will make it better. 
Do not drive cars, take MRT, LRT or even Bus this transport will pollute the air so quickly and can drive more then 50 people so start using MRT, LRT or Bus NOW! 



We can save the earth by exercing conservation and protecting our behaviour towards the effectors,also control polution. 



recycle, take public transport instead of cars, reuse things (: 
basically don't waste! 


There are three things that you can do. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Reduce the amount of things you use and the amount of time you use them. Reuse something instead of throwing it away because it will save the energy and time to make a new thing or recycle it. If you can't reuse something, recycle it. Your garbage service may provide you a recycling service for free or for a fee; you could also just check and see if there is a recycling center or bins to put your recycling in. If the thing you are getting rid of something that CAN NOT be recycled it automatically goes in the garbage because littering is against the law and fines up to 300 dollars can be in place if you get caught littering besides it isn't helping to save the earth either. If you burn your trash that is fine to, but does release a lot of smoke into the air which isn't helping to save the earth. Also buy products that are made from recycled materials because it will save the time and energy it takes to process a new product. If you have electronic material, appliances, batteries or anything with toxic material in them they need to be disposed of properly. If you are a student you can help start a recycling program at your school. One school gave all its used paper to a farmer so he could shred it up and reuse the paper as bedding for his animals. If you work at a factory that produces a lot of smoke, you can help get the company scrubbers. Scrubbers help remove lots of smoke before it enters the air, helping to prevent air pollution. 



take public transport, 
use a fan instead of air-conditioner, 
turn off all devices when not in use 
clean our country 


dont litter is the best way to help save mother earth. 
dont smoke, plant trees and dont burn plastic and styro foams 
Have you heard the saying 'when you go to the beach leave behind only your footprints in the sand'. This is a good metaphor for human impact on the planet. Don't use anything more than you need and don't waste a thing. Trash in one place is gold dust in another country, it is just in the wrong place. 

put rubbish in the bin 
plant more trees 
use less fuel for car and do more exercise 


Earth can be saved only if man does the needful, we must use more solar and wind power , and plant more trees. 


Recycle, Stop polluting,Save water,Use bikes instead of cars,Plant trees,Waste less energy,No littering,Don't throw glass bottles too. 

There is also more as in turning off the lights when not using them,not letting the water drip from the faucet,using the shower not as long, etc. 


people can plant trees and save them 


Recycle, recycle, and recycle. If we all do a small part, like turning the water off when we're brushing our teeth or clean out a jar of jelly and keep loose change in it, or just turning off the lights in rooms that no one is in, or maybe ridding a bike to school/work. If you're not a fan of biking, make a carpool with your friends. 

There are still more that a billion ways to save the planet, and if you want to see your own children grow up on this earth, just do a small part, just a tiny little part once every day and if everyone else does too, slowly but surely, we'll save the planet. 

Preserve habitats! Stop bulldozing land for parking lots and shopping malls! 

Always turn off the water, or lights when you aren't using it, if the water from the sink or the shower leaks, try to stop the leaks. Draw or write on both sides of paper and recycle it. Also, recycle plastic, paper, and cardboard. Instead of taking the bus or car and wasting tons of gas, ride your bike and heal the earth! Stop cutting down trees! Cutting down trees is very terrible because: trees gives you oxygen, and oxygen is one of the reasons you're reading this. Don't forget to play outside once a day if it's not raining, turn off the TV, and the computer when not in use. Also reduce the amount of things that you use and reuse things like plastic bottles. 



put rubbish in the bin plant more trees use less fuel for car and do more exercise 


By throwing the garbage in a right place... 
by dividing it into two category, which are biodegradable & non-biodegradable... 
by recycling the things that cant be used anymore. 


Reduce population,reduce consumption of fossil fuels and exploitation of natural resources.Increase the absorptive capacity of environment to absorb waste. Reduce chemical waste content in environment. Develop eco friendly substitute. Planned sustainable development of resources and environment. It is most important to bring these principles into actual practice. 
Recycle..... Use good recourses.... 
Get a hybrid car....... 
Get UR friends to do that too! 
While brushing your teeth close the tap or use a cup of water to brush your teeth. 
there are many... but some ways include 
saving electricity (turning things off when not in use, etc) 
stopping excess pollution (carpool, etc) 
picking up litter 
reducing the amount of garbage we produce 
ride your bike instead of using a car 
And so on 


The earth is neither a mother nor does it need saving. That is anthropomorphic nonsense. 
Should mankind cause so much pollution it is the flora and fauna that will suffer, including ourselves. 


Be responsible of your garbage. Think wisely. Act as if We Care! 
Many things! You can:
  • Reduce using plastic bags
  • Use unleaded petrol for yr car
  • Don't practice open burning
  • Don't simply litter and do voluntary work like collecting recyclables, rubbish etc.

There are many more just that this are a few important ones I can think of. 

1.Minimize the electrical energy usage :
  • Turn of the lights and fans whenever it is unnecessary. 
  • Reduce the Air- condition usage.
  • Use Energy Efficient and solar Energy lights 

2. Plant more trees

3. Water conservation
  • Rain Water Harvesting 
  • Reduce Water consumption by shower bath.
  • Install a low-flow showerhead

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pollution !?

What is Pollution ?
These uses also and very importantly include all wildlife and ecological requirements to sustain life in all its natural forms.
Pollution damages the Earth's land, water and air. It results in contamination of the earth's environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, and the natural functioning of ecosystems (living organisms and their physical surroundings).
Pollution is usually caused by human actions, but can also be the consequence of natural disasters. Pollution can also occur from disruption or damage to wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure due to severe natural events like hurricanes or flooding. Most types of pollution affect the immediate area surrounding the source, and reduce as you move away from the source.
Pollution is often caused by the garbage that people throw on the ground or into oceans, lakes or rivers.
Pollution exists in many forms and affects many different aspects of the Earth's environment. Some main types of pollution are:-
- Water pollution is a serious global problem and the largest water pollution problem is from sewage contaminating watercourses.
- Air pollution arising from many sources, and is bad in cities. Car transport emissions causes a lot of the air pollution we see. But did you know that air pollution also can exist inside homes and other buildings? Poor ventilation causes about half of the indoor air pollution problems. Air pollution contributes to the greenhouse effect.
- Highway vehicles, and shipping, are major contributor to air pollution worldwide.
- Photochemical air pollution is commonly referred to as 'smog'. Urban air pollution is often caused by a photochemical, and is commonly known as smog.
- Radioactive pollution results from inadequate nuclear safety.
- Light pollution, includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference.
- Noise is a form of pollution as well but is unlike the others as it is transient; once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it.
Recently, there has been a heightened interest in the intercontinental transport of pollution. European pollution has been tracked to Asia, as well as the Arctic.
Pollution control involves higher production costs for the industries concerned, but failure to implement adequate controls may result in irreversible environmental damage and an increase in the incidence of diseases such as cancer.
Pollution can be achieved by reducing or eliminating waste at the source by modifying production processes, promoting the use of non-toxic or less-toxic substances, implementing conservation techniques, and re-using materials rather than putting them into the waste stream. But even with these new laws air pollution is still on the increase overall throughout the world. This is especially so in the developing countries.

Earth : Suffers !

Save Me : I'm suffering !

Save me , I'm suffering that's what will our planet says if it can express !
Since the  factories start throwing their rubbish in the rivers and Seas , since they start sending their harmful fumes out, since the abandon of bicycles and redeem them by cars , since since since ...

I'm not against those things and solutions that i said, but i'm versus of the unregulated of it.

Day by day we hear about a catastrophe in  somewhere of the earth floods, Hurricanes, Earth quakes .. after the will of God , there's the intervention of Humans, humans who are supposed to protect their planet as they do to their homes , some american statistics in 2008 exposed that 18 percent of people are alarmed, convinced of the seriousness of global warming and taking steps to alter their behavior. Another 33 percent are concerned, but not taking action. Another 19 percent of people are cautious, meaning they believe climate change is a problem but don't feel a sense of urgency about it. The disengaged (12 percent) and doubtful (11 percent), on the other hand, either don't know much about climate change or don't think it's a big problem. And 7 percent of people are dismissive, actively campaigning against a national response to climate change.
Finally i'll just write down some logical steps to avoid the earth pollution and give the earth some peace :
- Start using other energy sources, the renewed energy sources as the solar's one
- Avoid using cars , and let's use something useless as the bicycle
- The factories must be out of the cities to avoid the asphyxia
- ...